Sunday, April 29, 2012

Professor Bippes Retires

My husband and I met and fell in love in the Art Dept. of a small christian college. We actually met on an art department trip to Chicago in the Fall of my freshman year, a mutual friend introduced us. The next Spring we had several classes with Professor Bippes, who taught us how to draw very tightly with an ultra sharp pencil. He emphasized the elegance of a sensitive contour line. In his class, we labored over thousands, no millions, of teeny tiny parallel lines built up to precisely shade a drawing. We learned to take command our HB pencils. It was slow, tedious work. This was 34 years ago! I can't believe it!
Prof. Bippes is a much loved teacher. In my teaching career I have had several interns and student teachers over the years that he has sent my way. They all love him, because he loves them. He demands high quality work, and requires a student's best effort. Freshman are ruthlessly sorted as they fall short of the effort, perfection, and numerous hours that a positive critique from Bippes requires. He is famous for the stinginess in which he doles out As. High praise from Bippes is earned.
We just attended his farewell art show and reception. His work was displayed on one side of the large gallery, alumni work was displayed on the other side. His drawings and woodcuts are masterful, and thought-provoking. It was easy to see his influence in the alumni work, his demand for excellence in thought and execution marks us all.
The art department has grown tremendously from the time my husband and I attended school there. It's in a new building, with new equipment, new faculty, new gallery, etc.; but the influence of one professor remains, and will remain. His philosophy, vision, and direction are solid, inspiring, and enduring.
Our inspiring Professor

1 comment:

Julie said...

very well said. I love that man!