Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vase with Pink Flowers

This is one of the paintings in my Summer Flower series. I have posted the paintings in another blog. See the link on the right. All paintings are for sale for $200 each. I love doing these paintings- I do them all in one sitting, and they are on unstretched, gessoed canvas. I use more of my drawing style. I use lots of thin layers of paint, and I draw over the top with "sharpies" and paint on my liner brush.


Anonymous said...

I just gessoed two canvases I'm ready to paint after seeing your bright sunflower,subdued pink flower and the "Mary's vase" work. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm glad to see your newer work. The pic of Cara's people with your paintings in the back ground is so much fun. Thanks for keeping me updated.

Julia said...

Hey! Come over and paint with me tonight, I think Mary's coming over.